Under generalforsamlingen bliver der hvert år valgt en bestyrelse for CAA-DK. Bestyrelsen skal som minimum bestå af en formand, en næstformand og en sekretær og dertil 1-3 menige medlemmer. Bestyrelsen er på valg hvert år til CAA-DK’s årlige generalforsamling.
The Constitution of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology – Danish Chapter
I. The full title of the organisation is “Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in
Archaeology – Denmark”. Hereafter this may be abbreviated to “CAA-DK” or “CAA-Denmark”
II. The aims of CAA-DK are to:
1. Bring archaeologists together nationally as well as internationally, not only with fellow archaeologists but also with experts from a variety of disciplines in the field of social science, natural science, and arts actively involved in computer applications within the cultural domain.
2. Encourage communication between these disciplines.
3. Stimulate the formation of Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
4. Provide guidance and support in the form of seminars and/or workshops.
5. Disseminate the results presented in meetings.
6. Promote archaeological research in Denmark on an international scale.
7. Promote CAA International.
III. Membership
1. Membership of CAA-DK is open to anyone working in the field of archaeology or related disciplines. Membership is free. Acceptance of a candidate is decided upon by the CAA-DK Board.
2. Prospective members can request membership to CAA-DK through submission of a cover letter/ email expressing their interests and reasons for wanting to join the organization to a member of the CAA-DK Board.
3. Membership of CAA-DK does not include membership of the international CAA
(www.caa-international.org). Members who want to attend the annual conference of the international CAA have to become members of that organization according to the
constitution published on the CAA International website.
4. Members of CAA-DK are entitled to the following:
a) Inclusion in the mailing list held by the board of CAA-DK,
b) Copy of all mailings to members
c) Vote at the Annual General Assembly of CAA-DK.
d) Access to all seminars and conferences arranged by CAA-DK
IV. The Board of CAA-DK
1. CAA-DK shall be administered by three Board members comprising the positions of Chair, Deputy Chair and Secretary
2. The Board is up for election at each CAA-DK AGM.
3. One of the Board members of CAA-DK will be designated by the other members of
the Board as the representative of the national chapter to CAA international (ex-officio
member of the steering committee of the international CAA).
4. The task of the Board is:
a) To have at least one annual board meeting.
b) To arrange an AGM every year
c) To promote cooperation and exchange of experience between national, Scandinavian and International CAA members.
V. Annual General Meeting
1. The AGM is held once every year.
2. The date of the AGM shall be announced to CAA-DK members at least 28 days in advance.
3. Formal proposals for discussion and any suggested changes to the Constitution must be mailed to all members at least 21 days before the date of the meeting.
4. Attendance at the AGM is open to all CAA-DK members.
5. The election of the Board takes place at the AGM, normally by show of hands. All
nominations must be submitted to the present Board members at least 10 days before the AGM and the willingness of a candidate to stand must be demonstrated. Eligible candidates must have exhibited participation at the CAA international conferences.
VI. CAA-DK Constitution
1. No member of CAA-DK shall purport to act or make representation on behalf of CAA-DK without the prior agreement of the Board members.
2. Any changes to this constitution must be approved by a 75% majority of votes at an
openhagen, February 10th 2016